I guess I'll go ahead and start the "What I'm Doing Now" posting! During the next few months, I'm hoping that more people will write in with "what they are doing now" too. I hope this won't be too boring for you all....
Since high school graduation,
much in my life has changed, but I don't feel I have changed that much. I still love coming home for visits, and I always think about how lucky I was to grow up in such a cool town with such fun school memories. I used to think that getting close to 30 would be very old, well, it's not. I think when we're 80, we'll probably still think we're 30.
In a nutshell... After graduation, I went to
Utah State and met my husband Steve the summer after my freshmen year. We had a fun few years and made lots of memories. We lived in a trailor court, ran a marathon, got really involved in student government, sold pest control during the summers, and then had to leave our student life behind. I graduated with a degree in Community Health and worked at the Health Department in Logan doing health promotion activities around the community. My husband's job then took us to Utah County, and I decided to go back to school and get my nursing degree. During that time I had our first baby (Blake, now 3), and my husband quit his job and started up his own business (
Shelf Reliance). That was a crazy year. I finished the degree but have had little time to work, with babies coming in quickly. Allison was born a year and a half later (Alli, now 19 months), and then #3 coming 16 months after that (Tyler, now 3 months). The last three years have been a blur! Life goes by so fast! But things are good for me, and I really enjoy being a mother. I feel very fortunate to be able to stay home with my kids. Even though having three under the age of three is a lot of work. :)
I'm really looking forward to the reunion this summer and hope that a lot of you will want to come. I honestly can't believe that we have been graduated from high school that long. I miss you all and hope that life has been good to you. I sent a few emails out asking some of you to email me your "what I'm doing now" update. We'd love to have as many people as we can to write in with their story too. If you'd like to, then email me your update with some pictures and I'll post them in. My email is
amykpalmer@yahoo.com. One more thing, if you don't get an invitation in the next couple of weeks than email me your address. See you all soon!