I am the proud mother of Andy who turned 6 last March! He is a mini Easton tho, and keeps me entertained. I've been working at Herff Jones Yearbooks since 1998 and have been a Production Control Clerk since 2005. I love my job, there is never a dull moment and there is always something to do! Last fall a friend talked me into forming a team at work for the Relay for Life. I was able to talk 46 coworkers into helping raise money for the American Cancer Society, we spent a cold night taking turns walking on the track and were able to raise $5100.00. So far our team is in the lead for raising the most money, it was one of the most rewarding opportunities ever! The committee for the 2009 Relay has asked me to be over accounting and registration, so I'm excited to be a part of it again. That's pretty much my life, not too exciting but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
You'll have to keep in touch and maybe I'll see ya at the 15 year reunion.